How Much Should I Sell My Instagram Account For?

Instagram accounts that promote brands, sell goods, or engage in economic activities might have a considerably higher worth. Higher values are to Instagram profiles with more active post engagement rates. It indicates that accounts with a higher number of post likes and comments views on stories and videos are more likely to be purchased for a higher price.

How much would it cost me to sell my Instagram account?

A good number of followers on your 100k instagram account for sale that might allow the interpretation to sell at an increasing price. The price for an Instagram account depends on the following criteria.

Your Instagram account’s niche ought to draw in more users. A solid handle that fits the niche of your Instagram account will help you sell it for more money.

Followers on the version. 

Every Instagram account has a 100k instagram account for sale and a unique follower base of instagram accounts  from various countries. The first need for selling your Instagram account is to have a significant number of followers.

How many followers do you have?

Naturally, the number of followers won’t be too high at an early stage. All of these depend on your capacity to use your content to draw followers to your Instagram account.

To sell your interpretation for a price, you should strive for at least 1,000 followers. In general, arrangements with less than 1,000 followers aren’t worth selling unless you have a very high engagement rate of at least 30%. 

Selecting a niche that sells goods

The Instagram account’s industry or specialty should be your second point of concentration when trying to sell it because it will have a  clash on the price and the interpretation’s audience.

The more audiences follow you, the stronger the niche of your interpretation. You cannot demand a higher price if the main focus of your Instagram account is making memes. 

The username fits the niche.

The third crucial element in selling your Instagram account is picking a catchy, simple-to-remember username that accurately describes the target market for your interpretation.

Audience Specified

The size of your Instagram target audience is two factors: location and age. Young adults between the ages of 18 and 30 typically have a greater propensity to draw in target audiences compared to those in age groups below 18 or above 30. Additionally, keep in mind the region or location from which you are targeting the audience. Followers from Tier-1 nations, such as the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, etc., are far more valuable than followers from Tier-3.

Post Engagement

The engagement rate of the posts on your Instagram account is one of the most crucial elements. Your interpretation won’t be worth much if you have a large following but few likes. On the other hand, if your engagement rate is higher, between 10% and 30% or more, your interpretation’s worth is likely to increase.

The number of likes, comments, video views, and story views all plays a role in this aspect. Instagram accounts with content that receives a lot of stories and videos are more likely to sell for a lot more money.

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